Being on lockdown (still), many of us are constantly looking for ways in which we can pass the time. But we’re nine weeks in now. Has the novelty of binge watching entire series on Netflix worn off? Well, that depends completely on the series right? It seems only moments ago that I devoured the first season of After Life in one sitting back in 2019. It came as no surprise to me that Ricky Gervais had masterminded such a beautiful fusion of both comedy and colossal heartbreak. I’ve seen Derek, after all and I completely fell in love with it. But After Life was a show that seemed to really resonate with so many people. Here was a suffocatingly painful depiction of grief which opened up conversations about depression, loss, mental health, drug abuse, sex work and suicide. It was powerful and painfully poignant. Not only did it showcase Gervais’ fantastic writing skills, we all know he’s a bit of a genius in this category. But here we see Gervais as a dramatic actor and his performance will bring you to tears, just as often as it makes you laugh out loud. So why should you watch After Life series 2 at a time when our emotions are already all over the place?
After Life 2 touches upon many of the same themes as its predecessor. We continue on with Tony, a man struggling with the loss of his wife and soulmate (Kerry Godliman) to cancer. Tony is still attempting to move on whilst clinging to the memories of his life with Lisa. But in this season Tony begins to recognise the battles that other people in his life are facing too. It’s in this examining of his companions’ struggles that Tony begins to find a way out of his despair. Yes he can still hate all the people who annoy him (there’s a very entertaining scene with a yoga teacher) but he can also help the “good people” to feel better and in turn feel that he has achieved something too.
This second season delves a little deeper in to the lives of the wonderful supporting cast. It becomes quite apparent that even though the characters are dealing with different issues, they all have similar wants and needs. Some are striving for companionship, others want recognition or just to be seen and to know that they matter. Others are craving stability or comfort which allows Tony to come to the conclusion that helping others is so much better than inflicting pain upon them. This is a huge development from season one when everyone was fair game and Tony didn’t care if anything he said or did impacted on others. What’s reassuring to see though, is that everyone is actually a little bit broken in their own way. Everyone is just trying to do their best. But sometimes we need that little bit of encouragement or support. Even if we can’t necessarily ask for help initially, if someone takes the time to look below the surface, we all have wounds that need tending to.
Oh and if at this point you still aren’t convinced that you should watch After Life series 2, there’s Brandy, the ridiculously beautiful Alsatian. Tony’s relationship with his dog is just as important as the ones he has with his two legged companions. In the first series we know that Brandy’s existence was the main reason that Tony decided not to kill himself. There are no spoilers here but let’s just say that Brandy proves to be just as important this second time around.
When you watch After Life series two you won’t just laugh and cry (even though you will certainly do plenty of both), you’ll quite possibly sit and examine your life and the lives of those you care about. It’s an absolute rollercoaster ride for your emotions and it may seem like a lot to absorb in just six episodes, but I definitely still recommend it. The most important take aways for me are that mental health matters and that we all need to talk more – albeit not to the therapist in this show. All lives matters too, whether you’re a wealthy businessman, a postal worker without access to a bathroom or a sex worker. Afterlife is making absolutely no judgements and it feels refreshing. Last but not least, After Life 2 acts as a wonderful reminder that human connection is everything. During these very scary and uncertain times, this is perhaps the message that resonates the most. Be sure that those you love know just how important they are to you.
Oh and the outtakes. You’re very welcome.
Have you seen After Life 2? I’d love to know what you think. And stay safe <3
Beth x

I am happy I stumbled upon your blog, Beth. Fantastic writing.
It’s difficult for myself to express such feelings. But, in a strange way, staying inside alone during this worldwide pandemic, has given me the chance to look inward. I can better recognize now that everyone has difficult days. My pain does not diminish the problems of others. Just maybe, I still have something to give in this world, something left to share.
What a beautiful insight to have gained in these trying times. Thanks for being here and I’m glad you enjoyed the review. Beth x