Do you have a bucket list? It’s hard to believe that we’d never even heard the term before it was coined for the 2007 film starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Now, Bucket Lists are everywhere. Everyone has one or wants one and I absolutely understand why. Even more so now that I’m in my mid 30’s. When I was younger I perhaps wouldn’t have given the idea so much time, because I felt, as young people often tend to, that I had my whole life ahead of me. Now I’m much more aware of how fleeting time is and how important precious moments and memories are. But perhaps trying to figure out what you would like to see and/or do before you die feels overwhelming? I get that too. I feel that too! It’s actually the reason I’m writing this post in the first place. So if you’re ready to get started with writing your bucket list…..I’m coming at you with some helpful tips and tricks.
I actually started my own bucket list a couple of years ago. My son’s autism diagnosis had really made me sit up and think about my life. There was so much that I wanted to experience, with him by my side, but also just as me, the person, not the mama. In the time that has passed since, I have ticked off a few wonderful things. “Cafe au lait” in Paris with my best friend, for example. Or riding a horse for the very first time. But there is plenty more to come. 2019 will in fact be a big year for my bucket list and I, mainly because one of the goals still to be accomplished has a deadline. I want to have visited 35 countries by the end of my 35th year on this planet. And here we are…….. I turned 35 in February and by my calculations I’ve been to 12 countries so far. That leaves me with 23 countries and 11 months to get myself to them. What do we reckon? Doable? I guess you’ll have to hang around to find out. But please know this about me. If I say I’m going to do something, it WILL get done 😉
But for now let’s focus on YOU and writing YOUR bucket list
Ever since school I have absolutely loved doing brainstorms. In my Passion Planner, we call it making a road map. But whatever term you choose, it’s basically spending some time really thinking about what you want to achieve and putting all of that on to paper. The important thing to remember here is that these are your dreams. There is nothing too big, too small or too silly(climb a tree is on mine). Don’t talk yourself out of putting something on the list because you think it might be unachievable. These are your wishes. If you could do anything, be anywhere with no limitations…….. Just let your mind be free and open and allow the words to pour out of you and on to the page.
If you find yourself struggling a little with the brainstorm stage, fear not. It has never been easier to seek out sources of inspiration. For example, if you type #bucketlist in to Instagram you will be presented with a pool of over 8 million images. You can break it down even further by searching for more specific hashtags like #bucketlistfamily or #bucketlisttravel.
Another visual search engine that never fails to deliver is Pinterest. You could spend hours, days, weeks browsing through other people’s Bucket List boards and Pins. Better still, you can even create your own board where you can save everything that catches your eye for safekeeping. (Check out my personal Bucket List Pinterest board here)
Now let’s talk specifics. Your Bucket List is probably going to need a timeline. It doesn’t have to be set in stone of course but obviously only you will know what time restraints you may have. For example, I want to go to Hawaii. I have wanted to go there for FOREVER. So whilst it’s high up on my list I realise that this may not happen until Charlie is a little older, because it’s a long journey for a young child. Therefore, I’ve accepted that Hawaii may not happen until I’m in my 40’s. I’m cool with that. It will still be just as beautiful. And by being realistic about time I can spend the here and now focusing on things that are actually achievable right at this moment.
Perhaps finances will play a big part in the breaking down of your list too. If you need time to save for some of the places you want to go to then great. Make the more inexpensive goals your immediate target. It’s your list. Your rules. Nobody will be judging or criticising and the most important thing to remember is that there is no rush.
So glance through your list again and work out which are the short term and long term goals.
Now of course there are going to be some absolute game changers on your list. You know, the ones that get your pulse racing at just the thought of them. For me, it’s seeing the Northern Lights, watching Pandas in the wild or riding in a hot air balloon. So whilst I may have just told you to focus primarily on the things that are achievable right now, I also think it’s a great idea to set your sights on a few of your bigger players and actually start putting plans in place. Like who would you have beside you for each one? How would you get there? How much would it cost? What do you need to actually do right now to make this happen? It’s exciting enough just talking about it – so imagine how you’re going to feel as you start organising it.
Writing your bucket list should never be as simple as choosing 10 things, 20 thing, 100 things, ticking them off and then closing the book. In my opinion, this is a book that should never close. Because first of all, as we weave our way through life, we change. Our wants and desires shift, we have new goals, new dreams and new ways of thinking. Secondly, we aren’t done here on this earth until we’re DONE. So every single moment that we are alive and able we CAN be doing something to enrich our lives, something that makes our soul smile. I think it’s better to go out still trying to see the beautiful wonders of this world, still striving for more; than it is to believe you have already achieved all you can. How can we ever think we’ve done enough, seen enough? There is always more. So keep adding to that list. Keep dreaming and keep wanting. Nothing bad will come from having an undeterrable desire to fill your existence with experiences. In fact let’s set a challenge for ourselves right here and right now. For every item that you tick off your bucket list, add another on to the bottom. Let’s become a never-ending tale of adventure. Forget the “Happy Ending”. You’re here for the story.
If you’ve already started writing your bucket list then I would absolutely love to hear some of the things you’re going to do. I may also potentially pinch some of your ideas for my own list. Please feel free to share them in the comments and if you have a Bucket List Pinterest Board then let’s connect.
If you don’t have a Bucket List yet…….. what are you waiting for. You don’t even have to make a big fuss by buying a special notebook or an official Bucket List book (mine, pictured above is from Axel and Ash and is available here). You can simply open up the notes app on your phone and get started right now!
Happy Dreaming
Beth Anne xoxo
Aaawwww, Beth – this just oozes positivity and joy and excitement and “Yay”-ness.
You know what – I usually have them in my head, but I kind if like the idea of a little special book that keep evolving.
I wrote a few of mine over on your IG but as I ventured to this post I realised that I am ticking not one, but TWO boxes in June. Seeing Slipknot before I die and being on a festival. As they are performing ON a festival I get a 2 for 1 on the bucket list in my head😊🙌
And then I have a dream about having a garden and a porch where I can take my morning coffee in the summer and just listen to the birds waking up.
And I am with you on the hot air ballon even if the thought scares me. But it must be…. beyond words with the view and just floating…
And I would sure like to master driving a car.
And parcour.
Oh and actually MEET Slipknot…. and Scarlet Johansson… and Helen Mirren…. and the Obamas.
Hey, you said to do a brain storm, right?!😂
I think I need to buy myself a notebook❤️
Yes I love this!!! Go get yourself a book and let it all out! Did you see the book I bought last week which just has breasts on the cover? All shapes and all sizes. It was from Paperchase. If you have one I would totally recommend getting that book to put your bucket list in 🙂
Well, I saw it but I thought you were the one having fun drawing them😂
Have no idea why you would recommend that particular book for me😇🤣
But we have an agreement in the house(or My Lady had an agreement with herself) – if I buy another notebook, she gets to buy another cookbook (that she never uses as I am the one dealing with the home) and she has waayyy too many cookbooks that she never uses. So though it may be tempting to go notebook shopping, I’d better not. ☺️
Ha ha ha ha ha! Those vibes ring true. When I see you I will buy one for you and then it’s a gift so that doesn’t afford the same consequences 🙂
Love this! I’ve got loads of things on an internal bucket list but nothing actually committed to paper or Pinterest!
Oh my goodness – strart a board on Pinterest. It’s addictive and we can share and compare <3